Welcome to Cook's Valley Farm The farm stand is now closed for the season.
Welcome to Cook's Valley Farm The farm stand is now closed for the season.
Cook's Valley Farm is now taking applications for the 2024 season. Anyone interested may download the job application below. Included is a brief description of various job opportunities along with an application that can be downloaded and sent to Cook's Valley Farm.
Phone Number____________
Date of Birth______________
Name Address Phone# Relationship
1. ___________________________
Name Address Phone # Relationship
Are you looking for employment for working the farmers markets, field work, or the stand?
How many hours a week are you looking to work? What days and hours are you available?
When are you not available?
You would be working outside where there is pollen, bees, occasionally poison ivy, etc. Are there any allergies that we would need to know about?
You need to be able to lift 50 lbs. easily. Is this something that you are able to do?
Have you ever operated heavy equipment or farm machinery? If so what types of equipment?
Do you have a valid driver's license and a good driving record?
Have you worked on any kind of farm? If so what kind of work did you do?